Frank Melli
Meet The Farmer TV, (now in 123rd episode),
which Melli founded with farmer Michael Clark, showcases the stories of local growers and other food producers, chefs, organizations and the markets they serve.
In the 90's Melli pioneered a series of interactive town hall meetings involving viewers in debates. Participants Jimmy Carter and Al Gore noted the influence these broadcasts had on influencing the Bush administration. Melli also partnered with Global University System and the NYC Board of Education to demonstrate e-learning. He is also an award winning producer for his work on environmental issues and work with homeless children.
Frank has lectured in universities and taught media literacy in NYC. Work with the natives defending the Brazilian rain forest is an ongoing long term process to which Melli continues to dedicate his life.
He produced and edited 62 yoga videos in India to show the medical benefits of yoga and continues to freelance as a broadcast engineer and TV News editor to WPIX/Tribune in NYC." - This quote is from JABA's "Meal Programs: Feeding a Crowd with Local Food" Award-winning
Latest Pro Bono Project:
More About Frank Melli and Melli Productions
In 1982, Frank Melli started working in broadcast television at WNYC-TV channel 31, a PBS station in NYC. Besides editing video of the news, and even some film, and developing the video library from a one person operation to a four person operation, he mainly focused on broadcast engineering in master control. He also worked on the original Brazil New York series with George Augustine and also helped him launch the TV series Video Music Box with Ralph MacDaniels.
In 1986, Frank Melli started working with the then New York Rainforest Alliance NYRA, now Rainforest Alliance. As this organization was being formed, Frank attended some of those early formation meetings with Daniel Katz and Kevin Usak, and then provided media services coordinating video documenting for archive purposes of their first conference at Hunter College.
In 1988 Frank Melli started working in solidarity with the Kayapo tribe of the southern amazon basin. A petition of over 10,000 signatures and was given to the presidents of the United Nations and Brazil. The petition called for the halt of the construction of the Altamira hydroelectric dam that was going to flood and destroy a large piece of the Amazon tropical rainforest.
In 1989 Frank helped promote and organize the first Amazon week in New York City with Amanaka'a. He also co-produced a cultural event to raise awareness about the importance of saving the tropical rainforests with a Brazilian carnival ball at New York's well-known Roosevelt hotel - themed "Viva Amazonas". That same year Melli also produced two events at New York's downtown environmental nightclub The Wetlands Preserve. Those festivities showcased everything from environmental speakers (show photo of Kevin Usak co founder of NYRA) to eco mimes (look for other video) as well as a diversity of performances including some Brazilian music and dance.
In 1989 Melli co-produced a documentary with (Linda Ellerbee?) Teachers College Columbia University on GATT - The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
In 1990 for nine months, Frank produced "New York Beats" a radio show mixing music and eco messages broadcasting on 91.5 FM in the New York City tri-state area. This show was hosted by the motivational inspiration Dr. T. While Melli and his team was working on this project using music as an instrument for environmental messages, we began outreach and connected at a New Music seminar with Bobby Kennedy Jr., which was when he first showed interest in working with and helped in to collaborate with Melli and these efforts.
In 1991 Melli started a long-term partnership with EnviroVideo co-producing the TV series Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman.
1992 Frank Melli, Robson Lemos and Vishnu Wood started producing a TV series called "Jazz On Tour". It ran for one year on the Time Warner Cable system in New York City and was hosted by the gracious Clarence "CB" Bullard. CB was the director of the jazz department at Atlantic Records for many years. This series again used the mix of music with educational messages on the environment.
Also in 1991 and 92 Melli got heavily involved with the United Nation Earth Summit process implementing a media strategy including three teleconferences (town meetings), which were live interactive national town meetings over PBS. The impact of these teleconferences were lauded by Vice President Al Gore in a letter he wrote stating:
"During the two years of preparatory negotiations and during the Earth's summit itself the Bush Administration blocked consensus on many of the issues being debated. I believe that efforts such as the Earth Summit teleconferences did have some impact on the administration. Without such efforts the obstruction and stubborn unwillingness to compromise by the Bush Administration would likely have been even worse." - - Al Gore
These programs were produced by Frank Melli in collaboration with NWF, National Audubon Society, GreenPeace and other major environmental organizations, the United Nations.
The non-governmental organizations community and the media during this process were using a letter writing campaign to get Bush to stop boycotting the UNCED Process. Melli convinced the collaborating partners Turner Broadcasting the National Wildlife Federation and others to incorporate the Big Blue's strategy against the Bush administration's boycott on the UNCED Process. This strategy used Western Union via a toll-free number to send verifiable postcards to the president at the White House encouraging him to participate in the Earth Summit process. The film trailer PSA ran nationwide as well as on our 3rd teleconference and was voiced all over by James Earl Jones and music of David Bowie.
At the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit or ECO 92 as the manifestation later became known Melli produced a phenomenal video for the Global Forum, which was shown by surprise six times to the heads of state at the Official Earth Summit governments event across town. Melli also provided creative, technical assistance and engineering troubleshooting for the Global Forum's International Media Center. Also at the official Earth Summit in Rio Center, Melli helped Rachel Kyte by creating an impromptu team to save the day. Melli expedited the administrative and logistical steps necessary to make the the first of a series of teleconferences get off with out a hitch, that were broadcast nationally in Brazil, to Italy and locally to the Global Forum.
In 1993 Melli co-produced with EnviroVideo the award-winning documentary "The Three Mile Island Revisited". Also in 1993 sociologist Professor Pat Belcon co-authored an article called "Environmentalizing the Media". This article was about the work on how Melli was greening the press and teaching others by example to "be the media", was submitted as an entry for a new sociology college textbook teaching what other community-based organizations can learn from this experience.
In 1994 Frank Melli made history by implementing a media strategy exemplifying one of the most progressive uses of the media in history. Part of the plan included a co-production with the National Wildlife Federation in the production of an interactive national town meeting for the United Nations Cairo Population Conference. After observing informative guest speakers explain the process, the live program included a survey polling groups across the country, in which the audience participated. The survey results showed how the audience viewed family planning and reproductive healthcare. These tabulated results were presented at the United Nations during the Preparatory Committee meeting of the conference strategically and historically adding the voices of thousands of viewers to the political process. The results were also presented to the US Senate Bill Committee for Foreign Aid. We believe this input had a direct impact on public policy in that the 1994 Congress approved it's largest allocation to date 595 million dollars for Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care.
Also in 1994 Frank Melli and Jeffrey Keating organized and filed comments in response to the FCC's call for comments for DBS - direct broadcast satellites, regarding the creation of the program "set aside" rules for non-commercial programming of an informational and educational nature. Our comments were endorsed by organizations like the National Audubon Society and others. Through this process we were recognized by the FCC as a National Program Supplier for direct broadcast satellites. Around the same time, one of our Enviro Close-Up episodes, about the dangers of food irradiation, was shown at a regional public hearing in Maine. After seeing our video the vote was successfully unanimous against food irradiation for that region. In 1995 with EnviroVideo Frank co-produced the award-winning "Nukes In Space: the weaponization and nuclearization of the heavens" documentary.
In 1996 Melli and Joao Luis Araujo recorded for a future a project "The Symphony of the Forest" which traditional Kyoto songs were arranged by maestro Laercio de Freitas and fused with Kayapo folklore.
In 1997 Melli worked at the United Nations Rio + 5 Commission for Sustainable Development in New York City and co-produced an event and video.
In 1998 Melli used an environmental organization to file complaints against the Brazilian government for abusing the human rights of Paulinho Paiakan Kayapo in International Court and also presented the complaint to the United Nation's head of human rights.
In 1999 Melli made his first trip to the Amazon Kayapo village of Aukre. This indigenous community of the Kayapo people is located in the southern basin of the Amazon rainforest. With the help of the Barbara Pyle Foundation, and a few others, we installed water pumps helping to reduce infant mortality and lower adult illnesses. The success of this pilot program, we believe, led to Brazil's national institute of health installing a larger clean water system for this village of Aukre. The Kayapo owns the largest protected tract of tropical rainforest in the world, which is about the size of New Zealand.
Also in 1999 Melli and Araujo started the Kayapo Fashion Design Project. This venture took centuries of traditional body paintings and transformed them for the first time to over 30 canvases demonstrating graphically the beauty of the Amazon and the interconnectedness of the Kayapo with the forest and its creatures.
In 2000, Melli and Joao Luis Araujo started the Paiakan Legal Defense Fund. This project was supported by a grant from the Rainforest Action Network, the Rainforest Alliance and other anonymous donors. We believe, one of the processes of this project resulted in Brazil's National Institute of Health arranging healthcare services to the Kayapo people.
In 2001 Melli and Araujo, started the production of a documentary "Kayapo: Stone-Age Survivors" During this production we made an anthropological discovery that changed the course of the production. Also in 2001 Melli produced "Brasil New York" a television series mixing Brazilian jazz and world music with environmental messages. The series has never been released. Also in 2001, our 10-year co-production of Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman, began to broadcast nationwide on the Free Speech television, that reached over 25 million homes.
In 2001, Melli went to India and was the technical director / director of 62 Yoga videos showing the medicinal benefits of Yoga. Later Melli edited all of these and did DVD authoring to release the products.
In 2002 Frank Melli co-produced with Barbara Pyle "One Child One Voice", broadcasting the program globally eight times to over 3,000 TV stations in more than 150 countries. In 2003 this program was nominated for an Emmy Award and won a total of 39 Awards altogether
In 2003 Melli created the Kayapo Children's Scholarship Fund, which assisted through 2017, young Kayapo's in their quest for education and their pursuit to help their people.
In 2004 Melli co-produced with Takeshi Utsumi two broadband events on International Video Conferencing for e-Learning, Tele-Medicine and Peace Gaming.
In 2006, Melli produced a sold out concert of Brazilian Jazz at Joe's Pub in NYC.
In 2008, Melli teamed up with farmer Michael Clark. With Clark as the host, Melli did the rest and produced over 125 episodes of Meet The Farmer TV a sustainable agriculture TV series which broadcasted for six years on Free Speech TV nationwide.
In 2012 Melli created a partnership with the Stakeholder Forum and created a distribution system for Rio + 20 Earth Summit. Returning to Rio de Janeiro 20 years later and captured and distributed many of the highlights.
In 2013, Melli was hired for the second time to LiveStream Global GAP's International event from Madrid.
In 2014, Integral Yoga Institute hired Melli who put together a video team to cover the Concert for Global Peace at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC.
In 2016, Melli teamed up with Harris Haith and started PETN, Provide Empowerment TV Network. AKA Provide TV, is a network channel made up of broad interests and hyper local channels.
in 2018, EnviroVideo, now Envision Environmental Media Center partnered with Melli to start producing new shows for Free Speech TV and PETN.

Frank Melli founder of Melli Productions, has worked in television for 36 years. His specialized skill set and passion to help others is what sets him and Melli Productions apart from others.
While at C.C.N.Y working towards my bachelors in music I had the opportunity to study alongside Arturo O’ Farrill . Arturo had composed a special arrangement of the schools Alma mata song “Oh Lavender” that we performed during a spring Commencement ceremony.
C.C.N.Y provided the environment that allowed me the honor and privilege to study under jazz vocalist Sheila Jordan & the legendary bassist Ron Carter.
In 1991-1992 I toured the U.S. and Canada with the first Equity Broadway production of The Buddy Holly Story.
Also, in 1991 U.K. Pop sensation Kenny Thomas recorded my song “Girlfriend” co written with R & B producer Bert Price. The album was entitled “Voices” and went double platinum.
In 1996 I landed a position at WPIX-TV and in 2000 I was hired as a full time Engineer.
In 1997 I broke into the Billboards pop 100 singles chart with a remake of the BJ Thomas / Blue Suede hit "Hooked on a Feeling".
In 2009 I released my first project as a record label executive” Green Heart”. The roster of musicians that I had the pleasure of working with were as follows: Toninho Horta, Nilson Matta, Romero Lubambo, Ze’Luis, Paulo Braga and Jerry Jemmot.
Today I am a proud partner in a new and exciting music label City Boys Mike Productions L.L.C.
Today I am introducing myself as the newest member of The City Boys. I am so very proud to join this amazing group of musicians. I can easily say that this is a professional high point for me. Before I attempt to recount my professional achievements I have to mention the two most important personal moments in my life.
Wendell McQuilla
Accomplished, versatile Producer/Director & Emmy Award winning Editor with 20+ years of experience and specific expertise in concept to completion News, Sports, Special Event and Educational Programs.
Demonstrated budget supervisory experience, with proven ability to manage multiple high priority projects on tight, concurrent deadlines, bringing them in on time and on budget. Certified TV Audio Broadcast Technology Instructor with exceptional leadership and communication skills, a positive, professional attitude, and a reputation for performing under pressure within dynamic, fast paced environments.
2009 – 2011 Taught students the principles of video production including basic camera set-up and operation; studio operations, lighting and ENG/Field fundamentals. Students were introduced to Final Cut Express to evaluate and edit studio and field productions.
Students also became acquainted with the basics of writing scripts for individual and group projects as well as getting a basic understanding of Photoshop, Digital Photography and CD/DVD Authoring.
Freelance Highlights:
Production Supervisor
MUSIC ARTIST: FENIX, EPK for Debut CD Release Project,
Children’s Educational Story,
2007 - 2009
(90) - Minute Live to Tape Program, Comcast)
2007 (90) Minute Live - to - Tape Program, Comcast)
Producer/Director 2007 (2) - Hour Live to Tape Program)
Produces, directs, shoots and edits a variety of projects, managing pre-production and logistics for up to four 90
to 120 minute programs per month for broadcast on Cable Channel 34, reaching an audience of 100,000+. Supervises all on air operations, ensuring optimum production quality on exceptionally fast turnaround for multiple sports press conferences, special guest programs (Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Cicely Tyson, Ruby Dee, et
c.) and special projects as assigned by Superintendent. Collaborates with Superintendent to establish and produce Community Bulletin Board programming.
DREAMS OF CHANGE, 2008 Telly Award Winner, Producer/Director
(35-Minute Live Show, Ch. 34)
THE BEAM SIGNING, 2008 Telly Award Honorable Mention, Producer/Director
(60-Minute Live Show, Ch. 34) WPIX-TV CHANNEL 11 /|
NEW YORK, NY 2000 – 2004 Recruited for Staff News Editor position for newly created live three hour news, entertainment and lifestyle program, pitching and editing 20-30 daily news, sports, voice over and SOT packages for air in extremely fast paced, high pressure environment. Edited up to eighty “on air” pieces per week, and gathered electronic footage via satellite and microwave.
Honored with 2001 EMMY AWARD, ENG Editor
1989–1995 Established district’s flagship TV Production program, providing instructor training and guidance. Oversaw production of public programming, led all pre
production meetings, established objectives, and made
recommendations to Superintendent a
Board of Directors. Managing a budget of $30,000+, created, produced and directed 15+ educational programs per year for broadcast on Jersey City Cable Television, and produced 10 to 15annual special events and field trips. Instructed 25 in-studio TV Production courses (Levels 1
-3) per week to 15 to 20 student classes, teaching board
approved curriculum, assigning and evaluating projects. Trained 20+ instructors, increasing competency levels by an average of 30%. Supervised video teachers class and studio production schedule.
WHY IS THE MAINSTREAM AFRAID OF RAP? Producer/Director 1992 (90-Minute Live to Tape Program, Comcast
MIDDLE STATES RE-ACCREDITATION VIDEO, Producer/Director 1991 (District Video Tool)
2008 TELLY AWARD, Educational Program “Dreams of Change” (East Orange Public Schools, Producer/Editor)
2008 TELLY AWARD Honorable Mention, Educational Program
The Beam Signing (East Orange Public Schools,
Producer/Editor) featuring actress Cicely Tyson
2008 Dionne Warwick Book Signing Premiere (East Orange Public Schools, Producer/Editor)
2001 EMMY AWARD, Best News Show
“The Early Morning News Show”
WPIX 11, ENG News Editor
1990 OUTSTANDING YOUNG MEN OF AMERICA Selection 1980 EMMY AWARD Nomination, Public Affairs
“Lupus: Dreadful Disease” WNBC News, Assistant Producer) MEMBER: KAPPA ALPHA PSI FRATERNITY, INC.
Entrepreneurial Business Academy, Rising Tide Capital, Inc., Jersey City, N.J. , Graduate May 2012 Teacher of Audio|Visual Broadcast Production Technology Standard Certificate, New Jersey Board of Licensure &
Credentials, New Jersey State Education Department, April 2011 Final Cut 1 and Final Cut 2 Certifications, Future Media Concepts, New York, NY
2002 & 2007, respectively Tektronix/Grass Valley Editor Operations Certification, Nevada City, CA 1998
Bachelor of Arts, Radio & TV Broadcasting, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ
Theatrical Staging & Lighting, Multiple DV Cameras, Tektronix/Grass Valley Editor VPE Series Computer
Based Editing
System, Super Edit Software, V
ideo Switchers, Audio Mixers, DVEs, DV
Rs, Final Cut Pro, Adobe After Effects, Proficient with
Mac/PC platforms, Microsoft Office
Horace Scott - From Mariah Carey & Kelly Price (live at St. John's Divine Christmas Concert) to Ben Folds (1993), Lenny White (1988) & Pic Conely (1994) I have been blessed to have worked with some of today's finest artists.